I find ‘occupation’ an odd word for job
whether tinker, tailor, full-time slob;
the word makes work sound more like war
like it invaded your life through military force.
But, of course, that’s true: there’s a war between
all of us and the Capitalist War Machine.
The battleground is our time; the weapons, our fear
and the mind-forged manacles I still hear.
Watching quiz shows on TV, I hate it when
‘name’ is followed by ‘occupation’ rather than
‘father’ or ‘poet’ or ‘human being’;
it doesn’t take a Mastermind to see we need freeing
from this occupied state of work-life imbalance;
we need to give a different system a chance.
End Capitalism? A four-day-working-week?
Work less, live more, explore and seek
James Lawton (he/him) is a father to a toddler, partner to a Scouser, English teacher, and part-time poet. James grew up in one armpit of the northern England (Oldham) and he currently lives in another (Mossley). His favourite biscuit is a chocolate Hobnob.